I don't hate Typescript. I actually think the typing syntax is powerful and flexible, yet simple when you need it be. I just think of Typescript as a SIGNIFICANTLY easier way to write JSDoc annotations.
My issue is with the tooling.
TSC takes up so much memory and can get really slow. I feel like I have to constantly reload the typescript lsp because typings don't update or the LSP crashed.
Importing ESM modules in typescript doesn't require an extension which is non-standard.
For example:
import mod from './mod'
instead of
import mod from './mod.js'
Typescript with Node.js is a mess because of ESM and CommonJS. It's hard to tell
if you're importing a CommonJS package or an ESM package because they're both
done with an import
in typescript. There are also some issues with writing
types for packages that provide a CommonJS and ESM export. For example, this fastify issue.
Typescript has also made it a pain to see the source code of packages since
you'll often get taken to a .d.ts
file rather than the actual code, or you'll
get taken to unreadable transpiled JS.
I don't how much of that is on library maintainers and how much is on typescript itself. I could just be totally missing something...